Creating opportunities. Inspiring futures.

We have partnered with Jigsaw Australia to empower people with disabilities in rural and regional communities. Rise Training helps people build skills in a real workplace setting. Then, they move into ongoing, award-wage jobs that meet their career goals.

a lady looking at her laptop smiling
a man talking using sign language
a boy holding a small plant pot while gardening

How does it work?

Academy: Learn transferable skills

As a trainee, you start the program in Academy, where you learn work-readiness skills. Here you immerse yourself in a real workplace setting at your local Rise hub and take part in team meetings as well as one-on-one meetings.

We know everyone’s training and job journey is different. So, you’ll complete the Academy at a pace that works for you. That could be six months or two years. Placements in Academy are NDIS-funded.

Digital: Paid work experience

When you can demonstrate competency in the 20 core work skills from Academy, and a position is available in Digital, you will have the opportunity to become a paid trainee.

Rise Training has contracts with local businesses to complete digital projects, such as scanning and digitising their records. You no longer need NDIS funding to attend Rise at this stage. We employ you on a 12 month fixed term contract, at Award Wage, to do this work.

Connect: Transition to mainstream employment

Now that you’ve grown your skills and learned to thrive at work, we’ll help you find a job that fits your skills and career goals.

We’ll help you move to your new employer and make sure you settle into your great new job!

Are you ready to achieve your employment goals with us?

We welcome new trainees into the program year-round and would love to hear from you. If you’re not sure if this is right for you, we can arrange a trial day on-site so you can check it out for yourself.

Do you want Rise Digital to complete your business’ digitisation project?

Our Trainees are ready for work! We specialise in quality digitisation and information services. Our contracts fit your project. So, you can be sure that we will deliver the change your business needs.

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