Get ready for an exciting journey towards a brighter future! Our program starts with basic work training and guides you to find a long-term job. We’ll support you to learn important skills for any job and get paid experience as you go.

How our program works

We believe the best way to get job-ready is by working. That’s why our Rise program offers:

  • Comprehensive training and skill-building within a real work environment at our Rise hubs
  • Paid Traineeships in Rise Digital (paid at award wage). You continue building your skills on a fixed-term contract
  • Support to help you find a long-term job that meets your career goals. We help you with your resume, job applications, and interviews
  • Support for you and your new employer as you transition into your dream job

Academy: Learn transferable skills

When you sign up to Rise, you’ll start your journey in the Academy. Here you’ll learn key job skills and lay the foundation for your future career.

You’ll take part in group sessions, receive personalised coaching, and gain hands-on experience. You’ll tackle 20 employment capabilities to ensure you’re equipped for any entry-level position.

Our program has funding from the NDIS and is open to all participants with career goals.

You can get funding from various NDIS supports. They include SLES, Finding and Keeping a Job, Capacity Building, and Core Supports.

Additionally, we offer free assistance for individuals seeking NDIS application support. So, if you don’t have the funding you need, get in touch with us – we’re here to help.

Digital: Paid work experience

Once you’ve mastered your skills in Academy, you can step into a paid traineeship at Rise Digital. Here, you’ll put your new skills to work on real business tasks. You’ll contribute to contracts for paying customers. This hands-on experience will enhance your resume with practical work experience.

Your duties may include document preparation, scanning, quality control, or office administration tasks. And your learning journey continues even after you start earning. Through regular one-to-one meetings with your manager, you’ll continue your professional development. And refine the skills necessary to showcase your abilities to potential employers.

At this stage, NDIS funding is no longer required for you to attend Rise. We employ you on a 12-month fixed-term contract to do this work.

Connect: Transition to open employment

When you’ve finished your traineeship, we’ll support you to access our network of employers and find a mainstream job in Rise Connect.

We work with you to find job opportunities aligned with your skills, interests, and goals.

You’ll take part in educating your employer about your support plan. We’ll set up regular check-ins with you and your manager. This ensures everything is working well and we address any concerns. With our guidance and support, you’ll embark on your new role and thrive in the workplace.